An online album where I can post pictures of nights out/holidays etc and subject them to your witty comments. Go for it.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

MAXÏMO PARK @ Cabaret Voltaire and ME AND NICK @ the rage

Moody, the snake charmer that he is, wrangled us tickets to see Maximo Park at a secret pre-gig gig in Edinburgh. It was in a really small venue and it was great and, say what you like, i love Moods a bit for it. There it is. I love Moody. Wow I feel better saying it.

Heres a video we recorded using sexy new phone technology of Apply Some Pressure. Pics to follow, as well as a few less than flattering pics of me n Nick sloshed later that night.

I mean look at that. Yeha.

EDIT: It seems i never did post pics of me and Nick later that evening. But we were drunk, and it was good. I will leave the original post as is for posterity.

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